Meditation Instruction
Whether you’re interested in a deep dive into different types of meditation, you’re looking for someone to encourage your private meditation practice or guide you in consistent meditation, or would like to learn Primordial Sound Meditation, I’m here to explore meditation with you.
Meditation is a journey from activity to silence.
Meditation is important to practice because it provides you with a space, a moment, to connect with your true self. It’s an opportunity to turn your awareness inward.
Yes, there are many!
You’ll notice that the practice of meditation is helping you because you’ll begin to shift your perspective, deepen your understanding of yourself and be able to choose your reactions rather than immediately judging others and reacting thoughtlessly.
There are three styles of meditation that I practice, and can share with you. One is a basic breathing practice that can be taught in a Shambhala or Buddhist style. The other is Primordial Sound Meditation. The third is mantra based meditation.
Primoridal Sound Meditation is the meditasion practice that uses the sound the universe was making at the time and place of your birth.
A mantra is a vibration that moves you from activity into silence and can be used in repetition with the breath during meditation. Mantras change the energetic patterns of the mind for psychological healing.
Each of us have between 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts a day. Typically thought patterns move in the same way, through repetition. By meditating, we begin to change these thought patterns.
Each of us have between 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts a day. Typically thought patterns move in the same way, through repetition. By meditating, we begin to change these thought patterns. 〰️
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
Thich Nhat Hanh